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In Honor
The Drew Swan Sibling Scholarship is in honor of Andrew “Drew” Swan. Drew was the sibling of Samantha Swan who attends ESP’s programs. ESP is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit agency in Watkinsville, Georgia that creates opportunities for people with disabilities and their families to engage, connect, and thrive. Drew was a determined young man with a passion, wisdom, and kindness not often found in the heart of a 19-year-old. He tenderly cared for his sister in many ways and both volunteered and advocated for her favorite place, ESP. Drew passed away June 5, 2017 in an accident. Drew’s legacy and heart for his sister will live on through the Drew Swan Sibling Scholarship.

The Drew Swan Sibling Scholarship is a one-year, non-renewable award, contingent upon acceptance or enrollment in a two-year or four-year nonprofit higher education institution. An award of $1,500 will be given directly to the applicant’s higher education institution based on the applicant’s merit within the competitive pool.

Applications to the Drew Swan Sibling Scholarship are open until June 30th, and we invite all siblings of individuals with a developmental disability to apply!

Questions and applications should be emailed to

The sibling of an individual with a developmental disability who is a permanent resident of Georgia

Enrolled or accepted into a nonprofit higher education institution

In pursuit of a 2- or 4-year undergraduate degree

Attending or planning to attend school at least part-time

Willing to provide additional documents as requested by the selection committee

2024 Applications open until June 30th at 5pm

Winner will be chosen by August of 2024

Congratulations to the 2021 recipient of the Drew Swan Sibling Scholarship: Mia Sabogal!


Mia is attending Georgia State University to receive her degree in Middle School Level Education. She says, as an aspiring artist and future teacher, raising her little sister Mercedez and coming from an immigrant family gave her the skills necessary to succeed in her future endeavors. She learned the valuable skills of patience and responsibility through taking care of my sister and volunteering hours at school in tutoring students. Mia is excited for her future as an Educator and the chance to impact children the way she was by her past teachers.