Gina Elliott

About Gina Elliott

Core value: Unrelenting in our mission – “I belief in ESP to my very core. I believe every family deserves the esp experiences, love, and support. There is no other place like it. My heart aches thinking about the families all over that do not have an esp in their lives! I am so thankful for how esp had helped my son and family. I will do whatever it takes to spread esp!”

Gina is passionate about helping families in any way that she can serve them. Outside of work, she enjoys sewing which allows her to weave creativity into her everyday life. Having worked for a decade at esp, she continues to serve the organization diligently, enriching the lives of those she encounters.

Her esp why: “esp has given so much to my family. I have been a personal recipient of what it means to be an esp family. I want every family, everywhere to have the experience that my family has had. To have their child be invited to birthday parties, to be in a play, to bowl, and to have friendships! To connect families and begin lasting friendships with other families. To be loved, accepted, and WANTED for them; 100% for them!”