Meredith Jolly

About Meredith Jolly

Core value: Innovating possibilities – “I came to esp because I identify with all of our core values. That said, I believe my role and my heart are both uniquely focused on our core value of innovating possibilities. Our mission is so critical, and I know……I must come to our team with innovative ways to achieve our vision and mission.”

Meredith is passionate about knowing people. She loves meeting people and getting to know them and their background, which flows nicely into my main true love/hobby: travel. Meredith believes that travel allows her to simultaneously know herself better and enjoy the sameness & differentness in others she meets. She is a pretty awesome mom with a practically perfect son!

Her esp Why: “My mom ‘voluntold’ me for my whole life to help with her charity endeavors. <Insert a teenage eye-roll here>. As I grew older, my mother’s innate desire to give back began to define me as the woman I am today. I’m fortunate to have been involved with some very successful private companies, and I’m determined to use what I’ve learned to help us more widely achieve our esp mission.”