Paradise is Pure Bliss and We Don’t Ever Want it to End: Week 5 Recap

We got into so many fun messes this past week as we slid down a shaving cream slip n slide at Adventure Camp, or as we tipped over the canoe in the creek at Hooray. There was a little slice of paradise for every camper this week in all shapes and sizes. Camp is crucial for our participants because they are able to be unconditionally their true selves, and feel empowered while embarking on new adventures together! 

Gabby Embraced the Slip n Slide at Hooray

At Adventure Camp this week we had many accomplishments, but the one that took all of our campers and summer staff by surprise was when Gabby went down the slip n slide with her buddy, Mary Lyn! The best part of watching her smile the whole way down was that her friends were running alongside her cheering and clapping “go gabby go!” 

Her initial thoughts about sliding down the slide were that she didn’t want to be in the water. By the time she embraced it, she was pouring shaving cream on her friends and sliding down the slide with them! Summer camp gives our campers the ability to experience amazing activities like this water slide that might put them out of their comfort zone, but that is where a moment of growth can happen. 

Sydney Felt Empowered at Sandy Creek

In the water this week, we found freedom! Sydney had contagious giggles as she spun around in her inner-tube, you could hear her laughing from the shoreline. When we found out that Sydney loved the water we tested this inner-tube out, and sure enough it was a hit. 

Her buddy spun her around and she looked as free as she could be with the wind blowing in her hair and water splashing her face. A serene moment in paradise is just what we like to see! 

Torry had a Dog-Gone Good Week

Torry, one of our participants who’s been coming to ESP for quite some time, was elated at the thought of a dog show this past week. The Humane Society brought some of their sweetest dogs, and had one of the best shows we’ve ever laid eyes on! There was a frisbee portion, tricks, and so much more, that Torry said his favorite part was “playing with the pups afterwards!”

Anna as a First Time Camper

Anna had never crossed through the doors at ESP prior to this past summer, and she had her first ever experience at CTL the week before. Her knowledge of the wilderness became apparent to the summer staff when she began teaching other campers about the names of different trees and species of animals.

Anna’s passion is for the outdoors, so this was the perfect place for her to do some exploring and make new friends! That is exactly what she did, as her buddy Dani told us about all of the memories that were made that week. On the very last day of that week, she caught her very first fish! Her face said it all, she couldn’t have been happier with her experience in paradise! Anna’s patience paid off because Dani said she had waited for a while before the fish finally bit the rod. We love knowing that Anna mastered patience, and made lifelong friends in this adventure of summer camp! Hip, hip, hooray for our new camper Anna!

We Put the FUN in Funopolis

Thomas, a very familiar face to our entire staff, has been thriving in paradise this summer. His favorite part so far has been this moment right here. A chance to ride around in a go-kart with a good friend and feel the freedom of flying in the wind. 

Thomas always has such a positive energy when you’re around him, but on the go-kart he felt unstoppable! Once he got off he wanted to get right back on according to his buddy. 
