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Anna Bostwick

About Anna Bostwick

Core value: Compassion freely given – “I think one of the most important things God calls us to do is love each other and to me, showing compassion is a great way to live that out. I know I need compassion when navigating through new chapters so I try to make sure I am also giving that compassion.”

Anna is an advocate for ensuring equal opportunities for people with disabilities across all facets of life. Outside of work, she loves painting and embarking on hikes with her husband and two beloved dogs. Notably, Anna has extended her kindness by welcoming over 60 new families to ESP Atlanta, embodying her commitment to fostering inclusivity and support within her community.

Her ESP Why: “I am from a small town where I can count the number of people with disabilities on two hands. One of those people being my step brother, Seth. Since Seth came into my life at 9 years old, my family constantly struggled with finding support and opportunities for Seth. The first day I walked into ESP, I knew that this is what we were missing as a family and I wanted to make sure other families had the resources we didn’t.”