Caroline Lumpkin

About Caroline Lumpkin

Core value: Integrity. Everyday.- “My biggest role model, my mom, has always instilled this value in me. It makes me proud to work for an organization that values integrity!”

Caroline Lumpkin is deeply dedicated to early intervention and ensuring inclusive support for families right from the start, inspired by her involvement with ESPlay. Her long-term dream is to establish an inclusive daycare. Beyond her passion for this cause, she enjoys crafting, rekindling her creative spirit from her sorority days.

Her ESP Why: “My ESP why is my dear friend Chandler. He taught me that each day with ESP is a gift to everyone who walks through the doors. It is truly a life changing place no matter how long you are physically here. I think of him in each new family meeting I host and am reminded of just how special it is to get to welcome someone into that life change.”