Harper Sigler

About Harper Sigler

Core value: Unrelenting in our mission – “I make sure that no matter the size or effect of the task at hand that I get it done to the best of my ability in order to best serve our participants and their families. It’s important to me to spread and execute the mission so that we can make as big of an impact as we can, and for as many people as we can by creating transformative experiences for all.”

Outside of work, Harper is an avid deep-sea fishing enthusiast with a love for all things Boston, from the hockey scene to the vibrant city itself.

His ESP Why: “I see the impact that ESP has not only on the participants but their families as well. ESP is a community where all are welcome and celebrated and it truly makes a difference to all who come through the doors. It’s something that I want to be a part of and help to grow.”