Katie Barlow

About Katie Barlow

Core value: Compassion Freely Given – “In a world where everyone encounters different life experiences, it is so important to meet people where they are at and express true compassion. You never know what someone is going through or how your kindness can impact their life!”

Katie is an advocate for healthy living and a champion for the well-being of others. Her interests are as diverse as her passions, ranging from reading to adventuring to new places. As a licensed recreational therapist, she’s committed to using her expertise to enrich lives. With a heart full of dedication, Katie strives to make the world a healthier and happier place for all.

Her ESP Why: “I was a caretaker for several individuals with disabilities throughout my high school and college career. Seeing ESP and the magic that our participants get to experience makes my heart smile but the idea of bringing ESP to all of the cities of the people that I used to care take for makes me dream BIG!!! I love the connections I have made, the family that has welcomed me in here, and the support that this community provides.”