Griffin Rhudy

About Griffin Rhudy

Core value: Crazy About Celebration – “This is what drew me to ESP when I first starting coming as a volunteer. I was very nervous and it all felt so welcoming because of the culture of celebration and everyone made me feel like they really wanted me to be there. Because of that I have strived to create that same experience for everyone that walks through the door of ESP.”

Griffin is a die-hard Georgia Bulldogs fan with a podcast dedicated to UGA sports, known as the Baxter Street Boys. He holds a degree in Finance and a minor in Social Work from the University of Georgia, embodying a perfect blend of his academic and sports interests.

His ESP Why: “ESP has changed my life for the better in so many ways, and I want to be able to provide that same experience to every participant, family member, volunteer, staff, community member, etc. that walks into ESP. ESP is a place for everyone and I want to help enhance the experience that people feel at ESP and grow our community even further!”